Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A California Sojourn

by Rev. Jonathan Kindberg

San Diego to Los Angeles to Bakersfield to Fresno = a 350 mile drive and an amazing west coast Hispanic church adventure.

This last week, representing ¡Caminemos Juntos! the Hispanic Church planting conference/movement I help lead, I visited several churches in California. The purpose was to follow up from last year's conference, to build relationships, to learn and observe different ways of doing Hispanic ministry here in the US and to build momentum for this coming year's conference in El Paso, Texas August 2-3. I visited several churches, church plants and church planters, spoke at the first ever Hispanic men's retreat from Our Lady of Guadalupe in Fresno, CA, spoke at a youth gather at Our Lady and preached at San Martin, a new church plant.

I am still processing all that the Lord did. More of that in coming posts. See below for some pictures.